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In-Depth: Art Law, France with Jean-François Canat, Line-Alexa Glotin, Philippe Hansen, and Laure Assumpçao

In-Depth: Art Law, France with Jean-François Canat, partner, Line-Alexa Glotin, partner, Philippe Hansen, partner, and Laure Assumpçao, senior associate, from  UGGC Avocats, is now available on Lexology : In-Depth: Art Law (formerly The Art Law Review) is a unique global overview of this dynamic and growing area of legal expertise. With a focus on recent trends and developments in key jurisdictions worldwide, it examines a wide range of topics including art disputes; fakes, forgeries and authentication; art transactions; artist rights; trusts and foundations; and much more.
In-Depth: Art Law, France with Jean-François Canat, partner, Line-Alexa Glotin, partner, Philippe Hansen, partner, and Laure Assumpçao, senior associate, from  UGGC Avocats, is now available on Lexology : In-Depth: Art Law (formerly The Art Law Review) is a unique global overview of this dynamic and growing area of legal expertise. With (...)
Art Market
Public auction: the auctioneer cannot act in payment of the auction price
Art Market
L’autoportrait de Monet : erreur sur la substance vs. erreur sur l’objet de la transaction : suite et fin  (Civ. 1e, 17 mars 2016, n°14-27.168)