Ali Bougrine and Fabien Gagnerot will be the speakers on March 17, 2021 from 9:30am onwards during the conference organized by LexisNexis and its partner Ikone Juris, on the theme “Acquisitions and transfers: getting the negotiation of your asset and liability guarantees under control ?”.
Regardless of the financial stakes or of the complexity of the project, acquisition or transfer operations all bear the same uncertainty: the adequacy between the situation of the target company (in particular regarding its assets, debts, exposure to legal, social or administrative litigation) as presented by the seller and the reality.
The negotiation and drafting of asset and liability guarantee clauses is thus at the heart of the acquisition process and represents one of the most sensitive aspects of it: it shall accordingly be up to the parties involved to precisely define the scope (scope of the representations and warranties), the trigger conditions (thresholds, deductible, ceiling) or the terms and conditions of the “guarantee of the guarantee”, so many elements on which we invite you to join and discuss this Thursday, March 4, 2021 with Me Ali Bougrine and Me Fabien Gagnerot (UGGC).
Ali Bougrine, partner at the UGGC office in Paris and Managing Partner of the UGGC office in Casablanca, is specialized in Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity, international investments and litigation & arbitration.
Fabien Gagnerot, senior associate at UGGC Law Firm is specialized in Mergers & Acquisitions, Private Equity, international investments and litigation & arbitration.
Click on this link to register for the conference.