
EFE Conference: Charles-Emmanuel Prieur on Liability Guarantees

UGGC - Efe cep

Charles-Emmanuel Prieur, associé UGGC Paris interviendra le mercredi 11 décembre 2024 dans le cadre des cCharles-Emmanuel Prieur, UGGC Paris partner, will be speaking on Wednesday December 11, 2024 as part of the current affairs conferences organized by EFE, and will be leading a training session on the topic of “Asset and liability guarantees in a fundraising or equity investment”.

Below are the topics that will be covered during his talk:

  • Why include an ALM in a fund-raising operation?
  • Who is the guarantor and who are the beneficiaries? Can the company provide the guarantee?
  • Form of the guarantee: How to analyze the practice of simple declarations without a guarantee clause?
  • Scope of the guarantee: what are the specificities of fund-raising operations?
  • What is the intensity of the guarantee? How to deal with the knowledge of guarantors?
  • Guarantee event: which clause is best suited to the situation of a minority shareholder?
  • Indemnification: how should it be calculated in a fund-raising operation?
  • Is it possible to reimburse the share premium paid?
  • Relution du bénéficiaire de la garantie: à quel prix valoriser les actions?