
Palmarès des cabinets d’avocats Le Point 2023 – UGGC Avocats ranked in 9 categories

UGGC Avocats is proud to be recognized as one of the best law firms in France in 9 areas of expertise by Le Point magazine and Statista.

The fifth edition of Le Point’s “palmarès des avocats”, produced in partnership with Statista, is based, as in previous years, on recommendations from professionals: 6,000 lawyers, clients and legal experts gave their opinion on the law firms they know. This year, 299 firms in Paris and the provinces received 4 or 5 stars, in 29 different specialties. All responses were verified by Statista, to guarantee the seriousness and reliability of the survey. Le Point presents this ranking in two ways: a search engine to find the best firms by specialty, and a table by field listing the award-winning lawyers.